May 20, 2011

Understand The Importance of Your DNA

The physical body which we see and feel is the carbon body, its only purpose is to make us live in this 3 dimensional world. This carbon body has some limitations, it woun't allow us to transit into higher dimensions nor will it allow us to change into another form. This is our house where we live, we should keep it clean and free from all the diseases, only then we can live in our house for longer time. 


We take care of our carbon body by keeping it healthy and free from the diseases, we eat, drink and do exercise for our carbon body. The physical body is just the 50% of you, another 50% is your information field, where all the information of your life is stored, it also acts as a medium to connect and to communicate to the higher dimensions where enormous amount of information is stored about our life, nature and universe.

The information field communicates with our carbon body through DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid), 10% of the DNA is used to produce proteins, vitamins and other minerals essential for our carbon body. Other 90% of the DNA which was believed to be a waste is now scientifically proved that, it is used for stealth communication with higher dimensions. This is the part of our body which receives information of life from the universe. There are millions of cells in our body which gets instructions from our DNA and accordingly they act and behave in our body.


Consider our carbon body as a software application which performs various functionalities and cells as a source code. As long as the source code (the programming) is correct, the functions of the carbon body are perfect. DNA is like a programmer which receives the logic and the source code from the code library (the Universe). A minor change in the code will affect the functionalities and the performance of the software application, or can even stop the functioning of one or more features. We become ill only when our cells are damaged and in that case DNA reprograms it into its original state, because DNA contains all the necessary information of our body, this process is called Internal Healing. 

Basic principle is, if our DNA is healthy and in its original form, we’ll be always healthy.

If our DNA is unhealthy or it doesn’t have the information how to bring back the cells into its original form, we're then forced to take allopathic medicines. Basic principle of allopathic medicine is to target the damaged cells and remove them completely from the body, thus creating other side-effects. This method is called ‘Code and Fix’ or applying patches to the source code in software programming terms, which is unreliable, inefficient and has performance issues...


DNA of every living being on this planet acts as a receiver, which receives and interprets the signals from the universe and it also act as a transmitter, which transmits information to the universe and other living beings on this planet. DNA is very vital part of our body, we can’t afford to mess with it, else no matter what we eat and how much exercise we do, we’ll fall ill and ultimately we’ll die, because then our DNA will not be capable of receiving and transmitting any information of our life. If antenna is not perfect, we won’t be able to transmit and receive the signals correctly, there will be lots of noise add to the signals. The incomplete and distorted information will not be sufficient to keep our carbon body healthy. Better the DNA, stronger and clearer the signal would be received and transmitted. Also when we focus on something, we send out strong signals into the universe, and in return, universe sends signals to us which are received and interpreted by our DNA, helps us to achieve our goals. Therefore the DNA of every individual is different, because everyone is tuned to some specific frequency, the signal coming for me will be interpreted only by my DNA

Hence the saying: ……
A very positive approach will take you to your destination... You'll get what you demand from the nature... its a Universal law.   – Santosh Maurya

Every living being on this planet has DNA, every plant has different properties, animals behave differently, therefore the habitats of monkeys and elephants are different, all these information is fetched from the universe. For example, if a fish is born, nobody teaches them to swim in water, they know it from birth. Also, the information from the universe for the fish can’t be interpreted by the elephants and vise-versa.

Therefore for implementing test-tube baby, to create hybrid plants and animals, to study serious diseases, doctors use DNA.

There are other electromagnetic signals that that added as a noise like mobile signals, GPS, satellite, digital TV, radio, electronic and mechanical equipments and many more. Also, every object on this planet emits electromagnetic signals, all these natural and man made signals are added to the information signal as a noise and make it difficult for our DNA to interpret it correctly. On other hand, we eat adulterated food, drink contaminated water and breath polluted air, these thing effects our DNA and hence the capability to catch the correct information signals of the universe becomes more difficult day by day and therefore as we grow older, we tends to become more and more weaker and prone to new diseases, because then our DNA is not capable of distinguishing the correct signals from the noise and also its receptive power becomes week.


DNA can be altered using light and sound vibrations, different vibration patterns gives different capability to DNA to interact with universe and few vibrations can help us do miracles. Hindus have tens of thousands of mantras, which are based on this fact. When we say the mantra, we actually create sound vibrations, therefore every mantra is for specific purpose and should be pronounced properly. The most important of all is “Aum”, this creates vibration which tune ourselves to our original form, when we reach to this level only then other mantras should be said. Also, you have noticed that almost in every religion, there is a bell at there religious place, because it creates vibrations similar to the vibration of Aum, an eternal peace. Also, it is a place where everyone comes with a pure feeling (good vibrations), everybody is chanting mantras, thus spreading the vibrations into the surrounding, we experience silence and absolute relaxation. At this level, when you focus on anything, you send out a strong and clear signal to the universe and in return you receive a signal from the universe which helps you to achieve whatever you demand from the nature (and we give this credit to our God, saying that he has fulfilled all our wishes).
'Law of Attraction' works on this principle.


528 Hz, is the frequency which is used to repair the DNA. DNA activation can help you to raise your consciousness level, to open and activate all your 7 chakras, give eternal peace and also help you to achieve everything you want from this universe. Only by keeping your carbon healthy is not the complete solution, you also have to raise your energy level of your information field through meditation, yoga and spirituality.

Try to get more information on Sound and Light Therapy, these are actual ways of healing your body naturally. 

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