January 27, 2011

Conspiracy Against YOU!

There are people who are trying hard to bring down the population of the world to a manageable number.
There is a conspiracy against YOU, against Humanity. They are equipped with very advanced technology, so advanced that common men like you and me can't even imagine. These technologies are not introduced in our society, because they don’t want us to know about it.

 Starvation, Natural Disasters, Terrorist attacks, different types of Cancer and Viruses, Medicines (viruses and other deceases are purposely spread through medicines and vaccination campaign ex. Aids, N1H1, and others), injecting new viruses and deceases into the society through various means like, drinking water, adulterated vegetables and fruits and other consumable products, Corruption, War (purely for profits and control), Crime and Destructions.

These are few methods which are used to bring down the increased population and also to change our DNA patterns, so that they can control and exploit us to their benefits.

90% of the DNA is used for stealth communication with our higher dimensions, this is the part of our body with received information of life from the universe. Please refer this link for more information and I request you to please go ahead and try to research more on this topic. 

They are now changing our DNA patterns so that we become more vulnerable towards their viruses and diseases, to mind control techniques and eventually become their slave.

The only way to help yourself and your society is to understand the energy within you, this is the only hope. You have to energize yourself through meditation and yoga, so that you are protected from within, only then you will be in situation to help others. You have to understand this conspiracy so that you won’t become a part of it.

Law, Religion, Government or anybody that gives a belief system is your enemy...because the believe system becomes the barrier for your eyes you cannot see the truth.

When GDP is raised in any country, there is an increase in necessity.... An increase in necessity is an increase in inefficiency.

Medical domain is a very profitable business, only you have to make sure that you have lots of sick and unhealthy people in your country... And it is accomplished by, unsafe drinking water, adulterated consumable products, adulterated medicines, costly treatments, corruption, pollution and many more

World’s richest 1% own 40% of all wealth.

One child dies every 5th sec. due to hunger and starvation.

Millions of people die every year because of curable diseases. 

the list is long, but the motive here is to make you aware of the situation you are in and help you to gain some knowledge and move towards awakening. 

You've to understand that you're human being, this world belongs to you, to every living being. Unless we're aware of the situation, we can't live our own life. Don't allow anyone to rule your precious life, it belongs to you, only you.....

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